Jul 24, 2024
Parks & Recreation
Court users at Perkasie's Pickleball Courts use a whiteboard system to share courts when there is a line of players waiting.
- Use the whiteboard any time others are waiting.
- Write your name in a square that already has names or start a new square.
- Do not reserve spaces or courts: you CANNOT have someone put your name on the board while you are still playing your game OR put your name on the board if you are not at the courts.
- Use all squares going from left to right in order.
- The next square of players gets the next available court. If the next square has less than four (4) players, they still get the next court and can take players coming off the court to fill their foursome. There are no substitutions – those signed in are those that play. Subsequent full squares do not pre-empt partially full squares.
- You play in the order you sign up. If you do not wish to play again with someone already signed up, you can put your name in a later square and wait.
- Players only play one game and then ALL FOUR must come off the court and sign up again.
Lauren Moll
Director of Parks & Recreation, Perkasie Borough