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ATTENTION PARK USERS:  Updates Coming to Perkasie Borough Skate Park

Starting Monday, May 13th the Perkasie Borough Skate Park, located in Lenape Park, will be closed for approximately a month, until mid-late June, for repairs and updates.

The Skate Park was installed in 2002 and has been used enthusiastically by the community over the past twenty-two years. 

  • Early in 2023 the Borough started taking steps to address vandalism and investigating options for future renovation.
  • Fall of 2023 Perkasie Borough started a Skate Park Subcommittee that met monthly with representatives of the Borough and Park and Recreation Board to address the need to replace the mini half pipe and other minor repairs and/or changes.
  • December 2023 Perkasie Borough Council approved the use of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to purchase a new single coping double mini half pipe as recommended by the Skate Park Subcommittee.
  • March 2024 Perkasie Borough Council approved the use of Park and Rec Fees in Lieu for a full mill and pave reconstruction of the asphalt pad.
  • Mill and paving is scheduled for Spring 2024, followed by installation of the new half pipe ramp in June.

Work at the skate park is expected to start the week of May 13th with the removal of the remaining ramp pieces.  Ramp pieces will be removed from the asphalt pad and placed either in the grass or around the parking lot surrounding the Skate Park – the ramp sections are strictly out of bounds and must not be used by members of the public.

Contracted asphalt work is scheduled to start shortly after and, once completed, needs to cure for at least two weeks before the new ramp is installed in late June.

Estimated project timeline is May 13th-June 30th and subject to change.

Questions about the Perkasie Skate Park can be directed to

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