Under the Stars Car Show

The 25th annual Under the Stars Car Show is scheduled for 5pm-9pm on Saturday, August 16, 2025. Please continue to check back for updated information for the 2025 show!
ROAD CLOSURES & PARKING RESTRICTIONS begin at 1pm in the town center and on S. 9th St.
SPECTATORS: There is no fee to enter the show. All drinks in covered cups please. Service animals only. ADA parking is reserved in the Borough Hall parking lot (620 W. Chestnut St) for vehicles with hangtag and license plate, approach on S. 7th St from the direction of Park Avenue.
Pubilc parking is also available at the following locations: lot at corner of 5th & Race | Trinity Lutheran Church lot at corner of 4th & Chestnut | Penn Community Bank 219 S 9th St | 4. Pennridge South Middle School 5th & Cedar St | Walnut St lot on Walnut St at 2nd St | Municipal lot 7th & Walnut | Municipal lot 8th & Market | Municipal lot 2nd St at Chestnut | Kulp Park lot at 2nd & Market. Street parking is also available all around town.
SHOW CARS: ADVANCE REGISTRATION IS CLOSED. Scroll down for information about arriving and registering on the day of the event.
ALL CARS - join us as we REV our engines for our FIRST RESPONDERS.
We are privileged to honor the brave men and women who serve our community with courage and dedication everyday.
These instructions are for exhibitors at the main show. Exhibitors for the Cars From Afar show should scroll down this page to the correct section.
MAIN SHOW – DAY OF EVENT REGISTRATION costs $25 and is from 1:00pm – 4:30pm (OR UNTIL SHOW IS FULL, CAPPED at 475) at Penn Community Bank, 219 S. 9th St. See below for ARRIVAL INSTRUCTIONS.
Day of registration ($25 cash) and Check-in (pre-registered) is open from 1:00pm – 4:30pm (OR UNTIL SHOW IS FULL) at the Penn Community Bank lot on S. 9th St. The address for your GPS is 219 S. 9th St. ALL CARS STAGE ON S. 9TH ST, AND MUST ARRIVE from the direction of MARKET ST, NOT FROM PARK AVENUE. Take Ridge Road to turn on W. Market St, then turn right on S. 9th St. Watch for and follow directional signage.
If you have a group that wants to park together please meet someplace else then arrive at check-in or registration together. We do not reserve spots at check-in or in the show.
Check your goody bag for a dash card and a sharpie. Display the dash card in your windshield. NO ADMITTANCE TO THE SHOW AREA WITHOUT A DASH CARD.
Show cars will be released for show parking starting at approx. 2:30pm. PRE-REGISTERED CARS ARE RELEASED BEFORE DAY-OF REGISTRATIONS. When you are released – turn LEFT on Park Ave, then LEFT AGAIN on 7th. There is a map in your goody bag. Follow the directions of our volunteers. Be patient!
NO ADMITTANCE TO THE SHOW AREA WITHOUT A DASH CARD (in your goody bag at check in/registration).
Show parking will continue until 4:45pm or until the show is full.
Questions about the show, call (215) 257-5065 or email events@perkasieborough.org
We are grateful to the SPONSORS of the Under the Stars Car Show.
VENDORS: Vendor registration is closed. Please contact events@perkasieborough.org for more information about vending at the event in 2025.
ENTERTAINERS: We are not seeking musicians or entertainers for this event.
The 2nd annual Cars From Afar Show is scheduled for 5pm-9pm on Saturday, August 17, 2024.
SPECTATORS: There is no fee to enter the show. All drinks in covered cups please. Service animals only.
MAIN SHOW – DAY OF EVENT REGISTRATION costs $25 and is from 3:00pm – 4:30pm at Ragtops & Roadsters, 203 S. 4th St, Perkasie. See below for ARRIVAL INSTRUCTIONS.
Day of registration ($25 cash) and Check-in (pre-registered) is open from 3:00pm – 4:30pm at Ragtops & Roadsters. The address for your GPS is 203 S. 4th St. ALL CARS STAGE ON S. 4TH ST. Watch for and follow directional signage.
You will be given a Dash Card at staging. Display the dash card in your windshield. NO ADMITTANCE TO THE SHOW AREA WITHOUT A DASH CARD.
Show cars will be released for show parking starting at approx. 4:30pm. When you are released – turn left on W. Walnut St, then drive straight over 5th St - follow the directions of our volunteers. Be patient!
NO ADMITTANCE TO THE SHOW AREA WITHOUT A DASH CARD (in your goody bag at check in/registration).
Show parking will continue until 4:55pm or until the show is full.
Questions about the CARS FROM AFAR show, call (215) 527-1409 or email dave@ragtops.com