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Code of Ordinances

The complete Perkasie Borough Code Book is now online. This will allow you to print ordinances from the comfort of your home or office. As always, residents are welcome to visit Borough Hall for a copy of any of the ordinances contained in the Code Book. Hard copies are .25 per page.

The online Code Book is up-to-date as of the end of December, 2023. Any ordinances beyond that date may not be included, but can be found below. Certified copies of official ordinances can only be obtained from the Borough Secretary at Borough Hall. Please call Borough Hall at (215) 257-5065 for more information.

View Online Code of Ordinances

Ordinances Passed in 2025:

Perkasie Borough

Borough Hall
620 West Chestnut Street
P.O. Box 96
Perkasie, PA 18944

Phone: 215-257-5065 Fax: 215-257-6875

Mon to Fri: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm