Stormwater Management
Stormwater Management and BMP Inspection Guidelines for Perkasie Borough
The East Branch of the Perkiomen Creek flows through Perkasie Borough in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. It is part of a larger water system that eventually connects to the Schuylkill River and Delaware River. The creek runs through Lenape Park, where people can enjoy activities like fishing, hiking, and watching nature, especially along the Perkasie segment of the Perkiomen Trail. However, heavy rain can sometimes cause flooding in the area.
Stormwater management is a key concern, as increasing impervious surfaces (roads, rooftops, parking lots) prevent water from naturally soaking into the ground, leading to runoff, erosion, and pollution. To mitigate these effects, Perkasie Borough follows PADEP and EPA regulations as part of the MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) program, which aims to reduce stormwater pollution. Several Best Management Practices (BMPs) help manage stormwater, including rain gardens, bioswales, retention basins, permeable pavement, riparian buffers, and rain barrels. Some of these BMPs may be located on private property and it is the property owner’s responsibility to inspect, maintain and repair these systems.
Every property owner with an installed BMP must submit an inspection report annually, by February 1st of each year. The type of maintenance and annual inspection report depends on the type of stormwater management system installed. Perkasie Borough is required to send all inspection reports to the PADEP to meet the MS4 permitting requirements.
This is a PA DEP BMP Manual that provides information on the types of stormwater management systems. Below you will find that information along with the required inspection report form.
Pervious pavement with Infiltration Bed Inspection Report Form
Infiltration Basin Inspection Report Form
Subsurface Infiltration Bed Inspection Report Form
Rain Garden/Bioretention Inspection Report Form
Dry well/Seepage Pit Inspection Report Form
Vegetated Swale Inspection Report Form
Vegetated Filter Strip Inspection Report Form
Dry extended Detention Basin Inspection Report Form
Water Quality Filters & Hydrodynamic Devices Inspection Report Form
Level Spreader Inspection Report Form
Completing this yearly inspection and providing the inspection reports is necessary to allow Perkasie Borough follow state and federal rules to control stormwater and keep the creek clean.
More Information
Please visit the following websites for more information on stormwater management:
Perkiomen Creek Communities Collaborate on Stormwater Solutions
If gold coins fell from the sky, would you collect them in trash cans and throw them away? Of course not! Yet, that’s essentially what happens when we treat stormwater like waste. While it can sometimes be a nuisance or even a hazard, stormwater is actually a valuable resource that deserves our care and attention.
In response, a group of municipalities within the Perkiomen Creek watershed, known as the Perkiomen MS4 Partnership, are working together to meet the state’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) regulations. Their mission is to assist communities and property managers in improving stormwater management practices and fostering greater respect for this crucial resource.
To learn more about these efforts, visit Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy.
How You Can Help
You can play an active role in protecting your local waterways! The Borough offers volunteer opportunities to prevent trash, debris, and other pollutants from entering the storm sewer system. One simple yet impactful way to contribute is by stenciling storm drains with awareness messages.
If you're interested in volunteering, please contact the Borough. For additional ways to get involved in your community, check out the following resources:
Notice a Stormwater Issue?
If you have questions or concerns about stormwater runoff, illicit discharges, or construction runoff, please contact the Borough office at (215) 257-5065
Tips for Residents
- Pet Waste Tips
- Pool Water Safety
- Protecting Water Quality From Urban Runoff
- Rain Garden
- Septic System Tips
- Thirsty
- Vehicle Maintenance Tips
- Water Conservation Tips
- Winter Deicing Tips
- After The Storm
- Canines For Clean Creeks
- Car Wash Information
- Catch Of The Day
- Fertilizer Tips
- Grasscycling
- Make Your Home The Solution To Stormwater Pollution