Trash & Recycling
Perkasie Borough Public Works Department provides weekly curbside trash & recycling service for Perkasie Borough residents. The Rules & Regulations for the Trash & Recycling Program are updated and published annually.
Effective April 7th, Bulky Waste collection moves from weekly to ONCE PER MONTH. See these updated Rules & Regulations for the Trash & Recycling Program effective April 7th, 2025.
Residential households may opt to use a 64-gallon wheeled trash cart for a quarterly fee, or “Pay As You Throw” trash bags, sold at Borough Hall and area retailers. In addition, all households, regardless of whether they use a cart or bags, are billed an annual fee.
Instructions for paying your bill online.
WHEELED CART: call in at Borough Hall to sign up & pay for the first quarter. We deliver your cart. It is uniquely identified to your address. You only need to use Pay-As-You-Go bags for trash that doesn’t fit inside your cart. Cart service cannot be transferred from one Borough address to another. Call us at (215) 257 5065 to close your account if you move out of your home.
PAY-AS-YOU-GO bags: purchase bags at Borough Hall or at Giant (Perkasie and Souderton), Landis, Olde Towne Convenience Store.
Perkasie Borough does not supply containers for recycling. Perkasie Borough operates “dual-stream” recycling, which means that we ask you to separate paper & cardboard from other recyclables. See the Recycling page on our website for detailed information about preparing your recyclables for collection.
- Set trash & recycling out by 7:00am on your scheduled collection day. Do not place trash & recycling out before 6:00pm the night before. No call backs for trash & recycling placed out after 7:00am.
- Cart lids must be closed the whole way. Use a Pay-A-You-Throw bag for excess trash that does not fit in the cart.
- Pay-As-You-Throw bags must be securely tied. Max bag weight limits: 20lb (small), 40lbs (large)
- During the week, all trash should be stored out of sight of the street. Do not store trash on the street.
Paper & cardboard is collected weekly on Fridays. Trash & all other recyclables are collected weekly Monday – Thursday. Daily maps are on our Schedule & Fees page.
The quarterly fee for a wheeled cart, Pay-As-You-Go bag prices, and the annual fee are all detailed on our Schedule & Fees page.
The trash program includes the curbside collection of one bulky waste item per week. Bulky waste is defined as items that are too large to fit inside a Borough-provided cart or a Pay-As-You-Throw bag. Some bulky waste items, like Appliances and Metals, are collected separately and require a fee. Guidelines for curbside bulky waste collection are on our Bulky Waste page.
EFFECTIVE APRIL 7th, Bulky Waste collection frequency changes from weekly to ONCE PER MONTH. See the Bulky Waste page for more information.
Perkasie Borough does not collect "hazardous waste". For more information about disposal methods, please check the "Alternative Disposal" page on our website or visit the Bucks County website.
The trash program includes curbside chipping of brush and branches, on the first Wednesday of each month. See the Yard Waste page on our website for detailed information about preparing your branches for collection.
The trash program includes curbside collection of leaves. Collection is seasonal and usually runs from October – December with a one-time clean up in the Spring. See the Leaf Collection page on our website for detailed information about the leaf collection program.
Residents of Perkasie Borough are invited to bring recyclables to the Recycling Drop Off Center. The Center accepts plastic containers (#1, #2, #3 & #5), glass containers, metal food & beverage containers, paper & cardboard. The Center also accepts most yard waste. See the Recycling page on our website for detailed information about DOs and DON’Ts for recycling drop off.
Perkasie Borough is unable to accept certain items in the trash & recycling program. A list and ideas about how to dispose of them, are on our Alternative Disposal page.
Perkasie Borough does not operate a commercial trash & recycling program.