Community Garden

The Jerry D. Kratz Community Garden is located at the corner of 5th Street and Shadywood Drive in Perkasie Borough and has 12’x12′ plots that available on a first come, first serve basis.
Please read the information below to help answer some frequently asked questions:
Perkasie Borough Residents can purchase a plot starting March 1st
Non-residents of Perkasie Borough can purchase a plot starting April 1st
$25.00 per plot.
Limit: two plots per household
Initial tilling and water are provided.
Plots will need to be tilled first, usually planting can begin in mid May. you will be notified when the prep is finished.
Lots will not be rolled over for the following year, so please drop off water keys and pick up key deposits in the fall.
Unfortunately we are unable to guarantee the same plot(s) from the previous season.
Register for a plot online by clicking HERE or registering in person at Perkasie Borough Hall (Monday-Friday, 8a-4pm, closed 12-1pm for lunch). Please note you may register for a plot online but key pickup and deposits need to be made in person.
This Community Garden was made possible by the generous donation of land use from the Kenneth Kratz Real Estate Company and water from the Perkasie Borough Authority.
Maintenance of the grounds in and around the plots is performed by the Borough’s Public Works Department, resident volunteers, and the Perkasie Garden Club.
Contact the Park and Rec Director at 215-257-5065 or for more information.
Important Garden Information and Rules
Initial tilling of the garden is provided on all lots.
The growing season begins around mid May, once lots are tilled and stacked.
After the garden is tilled, lots will be marked and numbered. Planting is unavailable before lots are tilled and staked.
Walkways surround each plot and are 28" wide. Walkways will be marked with wood chips at the beginning of each season
You must maintain the walkways surrounding your plots to ensure they are clear and can be used. Do not place any debris, such as rocks or sticks, in the walkway.
All debris that is compost may be placed in the compost pile located at the rear of the garden.
Perkasie Borough provides trash pick-up at this location on Tuesdays - Please use the trash cans provided
Lots must be kept in good condition. Lots that are not maintained will be considered abandoned - Failure to maintain lot may prohibit you from future involvement.
The use of mulch and/or other growing materials to help keep weeds under control is encouraged.
No commercial pesticides are permitted.
No shade producing plants over 4’ tall are permitted
Lots are not rolled over to the next year.
If you want to plant sunflowers, please contact the Borough Office.
There are no water keys needed for water use. If water is abused or left on water access keys will be required for each renter.
Netting of any kind, such to keep birds out, must be properly secured at all times.
Growing season ends at the end of October. Renters have through the first week of November to clean up and remove all material from their plots.