Our Park System
Perkasie has an extensive park system and an active Parks and Recreation Board that offers many activities throughout the Borough
Borough Protected Parks & Open Space
Report an issue in the parks or trails by calling our office at (215) 257 5065.
Outside our normal office hours our answering service will quickly forward your call to the relevant department.
Open space in Perkasie makes up over 200 acres. Four main parks make up the Borough’s recreational space and total over 80 acres. Borough protected greenways and open space land consist over close to 100 acres. Protected land from homeowner associations in the Borough make up another 38 acres.
The Borough’s park system consists of Menlo Park at Park and Arthur Avenues, Lenape Park, at Walnut Street and Constitution Avenue, the Kulp Park at 2nd St and the Spruce Street Playground – These parks total over 44 acres of park land.
Winter Trail Information:
For Borough Park Trail Snow Information, please refer to Resolution #2008-34:
“Snow plowing of streets and roadways, park service drives, municipal parking lots, sidewalks on Borough-owned properties, and any emergency needs are to take priority over snow removal. However, removal of snow from the designated areas is to be a priority of plowing of snow from municipal bike paths.”
The Borough trails will be cleared when possible, but snow and ice covered areas may remain for an extended period of time after a storm. Surfaces may be slippery. Residents may still access the parks for winter recreation activities; however, they do so at their own risk.
Menlo Park
Menlo Park can be located at 425 Arthur Ave and houses the Menlo Aquatics Center, the historic Perkasie Carousel, two picnic pavilions, restrooms, and a children’s play ground with zip line and Gaga Pit. The Bucks County Free Library: Samuel Pierce Branch, is adjacent to the park.
Lenape Park
Lenape Park is located on both sides of the East Branch Perkiomen Creek with a bikeway constructed along one side of the creek. On the Constitution side, 504 Constitution Ave, Lenape Park attractions include a dog park, The Spine Skate Park, softball field, sand volleyball court, amphitheater, restrooms, winter ice skating rank, two picnic pavilions, and Borough owned wind turbine.
On the Walnut Street side, 200 West Walnut, is the Pennridge Little League Complex, Historic South Perkasie Covered Bridge, and the twin bridges.
Kulp Park
Kulp Park is located at 21 S Second Street offers 3 tennis courts, 6 pickleball courts, a baseball field, basketball courts, pavilion picnic area, restrooms, and play ground for children. There is also a baby/wading pool that is open during the summer season.
Users of Perkasie's popular Pickleball Courts use a whiteboard system to share courts. This document describes how to use the whiteboard system.
Spruce Street Playground
A playground is located at 415 E Spruce Street near Main Street. This playground is linked to the other parks via the Pleasant Spring Creek Bikeway.
Community Garden
The Jerry D. Kratz Community Garden is located at the corner of 5th Street and Shadywood Drive in Perkasie Borough and has 12’x12′ plots that available on a first come, first serve basis to rent for the gardening season.
Bicycle & Walking Path Trails
Sellersville/ Perkasie/ East Rockhill
This bikeway attaches to a bikeway in Sellersville Borough, continues through Perkasie, along the creek and attaches to a bikeway in East Rockhill Township. The Bikeway from Main Street, Sellersville to the east side of Blooming Glen Road covers approximately 3.25 miles.
Pleasant Spring Creek Bikeway
A link to the bikeway is planned in Perkasie Borough that will follow Pleasant Spring Creek, cross Walnut Street at the south east end of the borough, continue through the Stonycrest development and end in Hilltown Township.
For more information about the Borough park system, contact the Park and Recreation Department at (215) 257-5065 ext. 115 or email parkandrec@perkasieborough.org
Winter Trail Reminder:
For Borough Park Trail Snow Information, please refer to Resolution #2008-34:
“Snow plowing of streets and roadways, park service drives, municipal parking lots, sidewalks on Borough-owned properties, and any emergency needs are to take priority over snow removal. However, removal of snow from the designated areas is to be a priority of plowing of snow from municipal bike paths.”
The Borough trails will be cleared when possible, but snow and ice covered areas may remain for an extended period of time after a storm. Surfaces may be slippery. Residents may still access the parks for winter recreation activities; however, they do so at their own risk.