Current Electric Rates
Perkasie Borough has been excluded, along with other Pennsylvania municipal run electric utilities, from electric deregulation as provided through Pennsylvania state law. As long as Perkasie Borough does not seek to attract customers outside its jurisdiction, all electric users living within the borough limits must use Perkasie Borough Electric as their electric supply company.
Questions about residential and commercial Perkasie Borough Electric rates should be directed to our Electric Billing Department at or (215) 257-5065.
Per Ordinance 1063, which was approved by Borough Council on December 16, 2024, KWh usage rates for residential customers will increase, effective January 15, 2025:
2025 Residential Rates
- Customer Charge: $19.00
- First 200 kwh: $0.1849
- Next 800 kwh: $0.1705
- All additional kwh: $0.1513
- PJM Installed Capacity: $0.0200 per kwh
2025 Commercial Rates
- Customer Charge (including 3kw): $38.00
- First 25,000 kwh: $0.1473
- All additional kwh: $0.1096
- Demand Charge (for over 3 kw): $8.3309
- PJM Installed Capacity: $0.0200 per kwh
2025 Primary Rates
- Customer Charge: $38.00
- First 25,000 kwh: $0.1401
- All additional kwh: $0.1024
- Demand charge (for over 3 kw): $8.3309
- PJM Installed Capacity: $0.0200 per kwh
Examples for Calculating Your 2025 Residential Electric Bill
If you used 695 KWh…
- Flat rate = $19.00
- $.1849 x 200 KWh = $36.98
- $.1705 x 495 KWh = $84.40
- $.0200 x 695 KWh = $13.90
- Total Current Electric Bill = $154.28
If you used 1728 KWh…
- Flat Rate = $19.00
- $.1849 x 200 KWh = $36.98
- $.1705 x 800 KWh = $136.40
- $.1513 x 728 KWh = $110.15
- $.0200 x 1728 KWh = $34.56
- Total Current Electric Bill = $337.09
Other Fees
Security deposit with electric heat: $300 | Security deposit without electric heat: $200 | Reconnection (During Business Hours): $110 | Reconnection (After Business Hours): $200 | Meter Test: $25 | Duplicate tenant electric bills sent to landlord (per account): $15 | Temporary electric installation: $25 minimum charge | New electricity service to subdivisions (per lot): $1,400| Install street lights in subdivisions (per light): $2,400
Your Electricity Bill Can Be Paid in the Following Ways:
- Automatic Bill Payment (ACH)
- By check mailed to Perkasie Borough, P.O. Box 96, 620 W. Chestnut St, Perkasie, PA 18944
- By check, cash, VISA, MasterCard, Discover & AMEX at the Borough office at 620 West Chestnut Street, Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- At the night drop at the Borough Office
- At the Perkasie Borough Authority office (Cash & check only, no credit cards)
To avoid penalties on your account, payments must be received in our office by 4:00 p.m. on the due date specified on your bill. Electric bills that are not paid by the due date are subject to late payment charges applied monthly as follows: 5% of any unpaid balance of the monthly bill. All payments are applied to the most aged balances first.
Non-Sufficient Funds – a $25.00 fee will be charged to the account whenever a check is returned to the Borough unpaid by the customer’s financial institution.
Estimated Bills – An estimated bill is estimated based on previous consumption instead of an actual meter reading. The Borough uses estimated billing during times when they cannot get to the meter. The next actual meter reading will correct any over or under estimate.
Disconnection of Services for Nonpayment – Failure to pay your electric bill on time could result in a disconnection of services. Payment arrangements can be made prior to disconnection. For more information please call (215) 257-5065.
Budget Billing – The Borough offers a budget billing program to homeowners who have a one-year established billing history. This billing option will generate a monthly bill for actual electric charges; however, the total due will be a pre-determined monthly average of utility services based on your billing history and evaluated every month. For more information on our budget billing program please contact the Borough at (215) 257-5065.
Transfer Electric Service (MUST be done in person at Perkasie Borough Hall)
- Tenant | Name, address moving to (including apartment number, first floor, etc.), date to have electric transferred, social security number, date of birth, drivers license number and phone number if one has been established.
- Property Owner | Name, address of property, date and time of settlement, settlement agency and phone number (title or abstract company), social security number, date of birth, drivers license number and phone number if one is established.
To cancel electric service when moving out:
Call the Borough office at least 24 hours prior to moving out. Supply the following information:
- Tenant | Name as it appears on your electric account, account number, address moving from, forwarding address, social security number.
- Property Owner | Name as it appears on the electric account, account number, address of property being sold, settlement date and time, settlement agency and telephone number (title or abstract company).
Please visit our fee schedule page to see other costs associated with our electric service.