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Economic & Community Development

Telephone & Email Directory

Name Title Telephone
Linda Reid
Assistant Borough Manager 215-257-5065

Update to the Borough's Economic Development Plan

Perkasie Borough has engaged Gilmore & Associates to support the creation of an update to the Borough's Economic Development Plan. The plan will update the Economic Development Vision and Strategy chapter of the Borough's Comprehensive Plan, published in 2014, and will set out an Implementation Plan for any recommendations. The plan will set out recommendations for Perkasie's town center and the Borough's other commercial centers, including South Perkasie.

A key part of the planning process is PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND DISCUSSION and Perkasie Borough invites residents and businesses to participate in a series of public meetings during 2025. The first public meeting will be held on Tuesday April 8th, 6pm-8pm at Perkasie Borough Hall, 620 W. Chestnut St, Perkasie, PA 18944.  Public Meeting Flyer

Perkasie Borough is seeking up to five volunteers for a steering committee to help shape the plan. The committee will meet five times over the next year and will represent a diverse cross-section of businesses, residents, age groups, and neighborhoods across the Borough. Interested individuals are encouraged to fill out and return the application form to apply by March 31st, 2025.

This project is funded, in part, with a Keystone Communities Planning Grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development.  

Why Perkasie America's Hometown

The Department of Economic & Community Development is the first point of contact for anyone looking to open a new business, and for established businesses looking to invest and expand in Perkasie Borough. We're also happy to hear from developers seeking commercial and residential opportunities.  Perkasie Borough is committed to maintaining a business-friendly relationship in which commercial activity can flourish. We are here to help you!

The Department works with our Zoning and Code offices, the Planning Commission, Zoning Hearing Board and the Economic Development Committee of Council to ensure all appropriate agencies are working to guide applicants through the process of establishing a business in Perkasie Borough. We can also help identify commercial space in the Borough that may meet the needs of a new or growing business.

Contact the Borough’s Office of Economic and Community Development at 215-257-5065. Conversations and support from the office are free and confidential. 

Business Licenses

The PA Business One Stop Shop includes comprehensive information about choosing a business structure, registering your business, taxes, licenses and more. Food, pet, childcare and other regulated businesses should also connect with the Bucks County Department of Health. The Bucks County Government site maintains a list of helpful resources for new and small business owners. 

Zoning Regulations 

Zoning regulations specify what types of businesses can operate in a particular location and set rules about signs and parking. A copy of the Borough’s Zoning Map is available on our website , and a Table of Uses by zoning district is in the Borough’s Code of Ordinances, If there's an issue, you may be able to proceed with a Special Exception or a Variance to the Zoning regulations, both of which require an application to the Zoning Hearing Board. Our office can help you navigate the process.

A Use & Occupancy permit is REQUIRED:

  • when a new business moves to town,
  • when an existing business expands or wishes to change or expand the types of services offered, 
  • when an established business is acquired by a new owner, and
  • when a business leases space space from another business.

IN-HOME BUSINESSES: a No-Impact or a Home Based Business permit is required to operate a business in your home. Applications for all these permits can be found in the ZONING section of our Building & Zoning section of our Documents page. A "No-Impact Home-Based Business" is permitted by right in any zoning district so long as it meets the stipulations in the Zoning Ordinance. Other "Home Based Business" types must meet stricter criteria and may require a Special Exception from the Zoning Hearing Board. Call our office to ask about opening a business in your home.   


ELECTRIC SERVICE: is provided by the Perkasie Borough Electric Department. A security deposit may be required for new accounts. All accounts are billed monthly with bills being mailed at the end of each month and due on or around the 15th of each month. Please call 215-257-5065 to establish electric service prior to start of operations and also to cancel service before vacating the premises.

WATER & SEWER SERVICE: is provided by the Perkasie Regional Authority, 150 Ridge Road in Sellersville. Call 215-257-3654 weekdays, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.. The Department of Environmental Protection reviews the potential water usage and discharge from every new business. Construction and other permits cannot be issued until a planning module is approved, or a waiver or exemption from planning is granted by the DEP. A Sewage Facilities Planning Module Application Mailer is appended to our Use & Occupancy form. Please contact the Perkasie Regional Authority at (215) 257-3654 with questions.

TRASH & RECYCLING: businesses should contract directly with a trash & recycling hauler. Perkasie Borough is an Act 101 mandated community, which means that:

  • Businesses that generate trash and recycling in the Borough MUST have that waste picked up in the Borough.
  • All commercial establishments in PA MUST RECYCLE AT LEAST high grade office paper, corrugated cardboard, aluminum cans and leaf waste. In addition, Perkasie Borough Ordinance requires that commercial establishments recycle glass (all colors), plastic containers #1-7 and newspaper. 

Commercial building construction and renovation

The Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code states that permits are required for almost all commercial construction, renovation and demolition projects. A Building Permit Application form is available in the Building & Zoning section of our Documents page. Commercial Building Permit Applications typically require plan sets that have been signed & sealed by an architect, engineer or other design professional. Do not begin building, mechanical, plumbing or electrical work until Building Permits are approved.  The Fee Schedule lists the costs associated with construction or demolition projects. U&O Permits are granted only after construction and inspections are completed. Call our Building & Zoning Department at (215) 257 5065 if you have questions about whether permits are required. 


Borough code regulates the location and area of all types of signs including awnings, roof, vehicle window and real estate. A sign permit must be obtained before constructing and placing a sign on any property in the Borough. A Sign Permit Application Form is available in the Building & Zoning section of our Documents page or at Borough Hall.

Food Trucks & other visiting vendors

A Transient Retail License is required for all Mobile Food Units (food trucks, trailers & booths) visiting the Borough, and for all individuals engaged in Door-Door Soliciting. A permit application is available in the Solicitation section of our Documents page. 

Connecting with the Perkasie Community

Perkasie Borough maintains a Directory of businesses located in the Borough, and an active, seasonally updated page of community events. We work closely with Borough businesses to include them appropriately in Borough community activities and have opportunities for businesses wishing to reach a regional audience by financial or in-kind support of our large community events. Borough businesses may also wish to connect with the Perkasie Town Improvement Association and the Upper Bucks Chamber of Commerce.